
The spot that everyone congregates!

We can take a look at the surfaces, the drawers and the cabinets to see how we can lighten and maximize the space - all the while creating a calm, peaceful space for your family!

Below are some client’s before and afters’ with some useful tips!

Kitchens - Before and After’s

The differences here might be subtle but they were impactful. We also did a pantry re-organization (behind that door) - see the Pantry page for those pictures. But in the kitchen itself, we found room to put away the appliances rather than on the counter and brought out sentimental and useful items to display. We also found trays to use on the island to corral common items used during cooking!

Kitchen Organization - The Drink Zones

After just an hour, I turned a sore spot into a refreshed space! It is SO much easier to pick one small spot at a time to organize and clean. This area had been bothering me so much recently — too much crowded space in our cabinets and similar items not grouped together. And plenty of old water bottles, extra vases, and outgrown kids cups. So much unused stuff.

See the in-progress and finished pictures below, along with some useful tips!


Start with a Mess…

Here is the first cabinet’s contents laid out to be organized. It’s a MUST to get everything out and make a mess! It looks overwhelming, but you have to see what you’re working with.


Before - Cabinet #2

Doesn’t look TOO bad, until you notice the vases on every shelf, and SO many water bottles. Why?!


Empty Cabinet

Not pictured is the large cabinet, above, ALSO emptied onto the counters. Next step is to organize into like groups, remove items that don’t belong or can be donated.


After! With space to grow.

Top shelf - rarely used items.

Next shelf, semi used items - vases, and assortment of water bottles

Next shelf - easy to access glassware - all together!

Bottom shelf - kids things, frequently used cups and bottles.


After! The Smaller Cabinet

Similar to above, but changed this cabinet to be more of a tea / coffee / prepared drink section. Our tea drawer is directly below - see the Blog for tips to organize.


Donate or put away

Donating a dozen or so items, and also putting away random items to other rooms. So many of this was free swag that we didn’t use, too. Don’t be afraid to say no or donate those things!

