Weekly Edit #9

Last week was a blur! We had our oldest daughter’s birthday party and DC zoo trip and then…. prepping for Halloween parties and trick-or-treating. Busy time of the year for us! Finally feeling like fall in Maryland, too!

Here are a few things I found helpful or inspiring this week…


Pumpkin Cheese Balls - Inspired by Charm — These were a hit at the birthday party! I only did the Dorito crumb version and I highly recommend. I omitted green onions and cut out 1/4 of the cream cheese, and they turned out great!

Chicken Chili - We made this chili and the classic Food Network beef chili for the party too. Classic and easy! Our go-to’s in the fall.

Pork Roast - Local Dirt - This cookbook has the BEST recipes. If you like to eat seasonally, and locally, it’s so good. I may have already linked it but it’s worth every mention! I’ve never done a pork shoulder roast (bone-in) like this before but it was so easy and tasty. Omg. [Photo below]


Got a few more books off of my book list at the Library this week. I’ve been keeping an ongoing list in my Notes app for a while. Here is what I’m checking out, and I’ll have to update this post later after I’ve read them!

  • The Collapse of Parenting - Leonard Sax

  • How to Do Nothing - Jenny Odell

  • The Whole Brain Child - Daniel J Siegal


I’m continuously looking for improvements in purchases related to reducing the amount of our waste! A small one is all the tea packets that end up in the trash - at least 2x a day! I ordered some loose leaf tea from Simple Loose Leaf. I had their subscription before so I know it’s good! Hoping this will be a good eco-friendly alternative.

Organizing Tip of the Week!

This seems a little odd, but it really does work for me. I’ve been doing it for YEARS. I start on the left side of the room, and work my way through the room or floor until it’s cleaned up. It eliminates that need to make a decision on “where to start”. I’ll put things in the correct room, or at the bottom of the stairs as I go. And I can SEE my progress as I move from left to right in a room or floor, and for SOME reason - that just works for me to get a room back in shape!


Why Hire a Home Organizer?


Weekly Edit #8