Weekly Edit #3

Well, we’ve survived the first half of the month. What a wild ride it has been in our country. I’ve been very distracted by the news, as most people, but did manage to make a few good meals, and save some inspirational items too!

Soon to come on the blog - organizing tips and inspiration! As I prepare for the official launch of JBK Styling in the Maryland/PA area, I want to share tips that could be useful for my readers to use around their home! Please leave a comment if there is anything you would like to see!

Now, for the links of the week:


Pan Seared Salmon and Roasted Veggies - Joy the Baker

  • I was tired of baking my salmon and wanted to try something new! This was very good and while I don’t make many recipes from Joy, I knew it would be worth a try! The greek yogurt sauce pulled this all together.

  • The veggies I roasted were: sweet potato (diced), red onion and head of broccoli

Thursday Turkey Meat Loaf - Food Network

  • This is my FAVORITE meat loaf recipe. I modify slightly as noted below and it turns out so moist and flavorful. I served this with mashed potatoes and roasted broccoli and green beans. Yum!

  • Modifications: Used a whole wheat bread, omitted the bread crumbs, substituted 2/3 c. apple sauce for the eggs, used bacon, and switched to bbq sauce instead of ketchup! I shaped into a pretty wide and thin loaf to help it cook faster, too.

Creamy Chicken and Mushroom Casserole - Pinterest Find

  • Admittedly, I found this through a simple search - either Pinterest or Google - I can’t remember! I needed to use up a container of mushrooms and had already thawed chicken - so this was a good fit. Tasted really good but not sure it was pin-worthy.

  • Modifications: I used my turkey broth from last week instead of chicken broth. I used whole milk - and would recommend using less since there was way too much sauce made.


NY Times - The Daily - Jan 15, 2021 - The View from a Republican Who Voted to Impeach. I’m sure this is controversial - but was a heartfelt interview from the freshman GOP senator from Michigan that I found very interesting.

The Armchair Expert - Dax Shephard and Monica Padman. I eagerly look forward to new episodes and also catch up on older ones since I’m a new follower of this Podcast. It took a little while for me to get into - but they have a great format that goes in-depth with their guests - both celebrities and experts in their own field. Perfect to listen to when putting kids to bed :)


Giant Art Banners ! I found this via Busy Toddler on Instagram (a great follow for fellow parents of littles) and will definitely be trying out to help get us through this winter!

Sensory Bins - Also from Busy Toddler! I wish I would have known more about this when my older one was a toddler. I finally got my act together and bought a few bins from Target (pictured below) and set them up with various things, and the girls spend a lot of time playing together - which is rare! Pictured below are dry oats and corn that we used with toy animals.


Weekly Edit #4


What We Made This Week