Sustainability - No More Clothing 2021!

Call me crazy - but I am vowing to not buy any more clothing or accessories through the end of the year. Yes, including Christmas, too! How did this start? For me, it’s been a long time in the making.

I have long been skeptical of fast fashion, Amazon fashion, and the like. How is this all getting made so cheaply? Where do people store all this clothing? Where does it get donated and is there really a robust enough resale market that it all makes sense to manufacture in the first place?

As much as I could, pre-2021, I would try to buy more quality pieces for myself that would last a long time. Though in 2021, I had to replace a lot of my wardrobe while it was in storage (IYKYK), and I did buy a lot at Target. I quickly could see how after a few washes, some items just didn’t last and it fueled my decision to stop buying fast fashion. Typically, for my two girls, I buy Gap, Old Navy, J.Crew or Zara clothes which actually tend to last through both of them. BUT I do tend to buy too much and more than they really need (I mean, it’s so cute - hard to resist!).

What REALLY triggered this goal for myself was this article on about WHERE some of our clothing goes. THOSE IMAGES. The images areso triggering for me - and I am determined to do my small part to be more conscientious about HOW I spend my money on clothing. Let me know what you think - does this change your perspective at all about clothing buying? Have you been thinking about this topic at all? I’m wondering how prevalent it is in the minds of others!

In addition to ALL of this, I’ve noticed how much easier it is to get dressed when you have a small wardrobe. I truly believe in decision fatigue and I’m curious to see how the rest of the year plays out and how much I can pare down my closet!

Bonus TIP - Unfollow and Unsubscribe from Instagram accounts, Emails, etc. that trigger that “I must buy this” feeling!


  • Lemon Stripes - One of my fave bloggers - She has a Sustainability series, and has quite a few posts related to clothing.

  • Other Blogs - No Sidebar and Becoming Minimalist

  • I recently added a Sustainability page here, too! Check it out for local resources in Northern Maryland, and message me with what I’m missing !

How does this translate to Organization and Styling? For me, the answer is easy. The less you have, the less you have to manage (clean, store, organize, etc.). PLUS when you only own what you love, it makes it so much more fun to see it displayed in your home!


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