A Capsule Wardrobe - all the details!

It might be the time of year, or the fact we’re yearning for fun clothes again after being in pandemic mode for SO long but I’ve had a few clients ask about help with their wardrobe - so here we are! I was inspired to write this all out and will detail MY process for revising and updating a wardrobe - and if you are so inspired to make it a capsule or minimalist wardrobe — there are links to help with that as well. Enjoy!

#1 - Assessing the Closet Situation

Ideally, it would be best to pull out EVERYTHING and assess what fits and if you still enjoy wearing it. Once that task is accomplished, we can figure out what can be donated, or saved for the future / kids, etc.

While trying on clothes - ask yourself:

  • Why do I like this? Is it the fit, the color, or the style? Make some notes, as it might help with the buying steps.

  • When is the last time I wore it? There will undoubtedly be items that you’re not sure about - so either move those pieces to a separate area to decide later or do the “hanger” idea where you turn them all one way and as you wear them, turn the other way. Anything that isn’t turned after a period of time (a year, six months) - donate!

  • Are there colors that you gravitate to? Personally, I stick with white, grays and blacks, and mix in navy and pink in different times of the year. I like jewel tones - so I’ll add in yellow and green at times. And remember, most colors come back “in style” every few years!

  • Can we spruce up some outfits through accessories, shoes, or a blazer?

#2 - Making a List!

Now to determine WHAT we need to buy to fill in the gaps of your wardrobe!

  1. Identify the types of outfits you want to have by activity (work, lounge, travel, weekend, date night, etc.)

  2. Make sure to identify all categories within that activity - shirts, outerwear, pants, underwear, shoes, accessories within those activities. Do you have something you like to wear for each of those?

  3. What season do you want to focus on? It’s easiest to focus on the current or upcoming season since that will be easier to find in stores!

  4. I would focus on having 2-3 outfits by activity that you really want to wear! And you can repeat pieces within that activity for another - but spruce it up or down as needed!

    If your goal is a minimalist or capsule wardrobe - the goal should be for ALL your items to have a purpose. It’s ok to box it away for later if you really can’t part with it, but having a closet full of stuff you’ll REALLY wear is the goal!

#3 - Inspiration Time!

Depending on your style background, either you’re ready to shop (go ahead and skip to the next step…) OR you might want to get some outfit inspiration before you get started!

I recommend:

  • Creating a Pinterest board! Yes, Pinterest has been around a long time - and for a reason! If you really need help getting a good concept of fun outfits that will excite you, I would pin outfits that resonate with you and you’ll soon see a theme emerge of how you want to dress!

  • Flip through some magazines / catalogs - request them from brands that you like, even if you might not end up buying their outfits or just peruse their website! Often, catalogs are helpful because you can see ideas from outfits put together.

  • Scroll through hashtags on Instagram for inspiration. You can similarly save and create folders within your profile (that only you can see!) and that can have the same effect as Pinterest. (Or screenshot and save to Pinterest!)

#4 - Updating Your Wardrobe - the buying!

Ok, the fun part! A few things to consider here:

  1. Budget! Ok, not so fun I know. But as an accountant, it certainly comes to mind first. This will dictate how much you can really buy now, and then perhaps buy more next season!

  2. What types of stores or brands do you want to support?

  3. How often do you want to go through this process? Buying quality over quantity will help your wardrobe remain a “capsule” and also last longer.

  4. If buying online, of course, look at the return policy and consider buying a few sizes and returning what doesn’t fit! Some stores DO charge a small return fee and that may be worth it to you if you want to skip shopping in person!

Going forward…

I recommend keeping an ongoing list (mental or on your phone!) of what you notice you are missing. For me, it tends to be footwear that I want to upgrade. I try to wait until the season rolls around again and see if I still want it - and then buy it. For example, this spring, I really want a pair of new white sneakers - but I feel like it’s impractical (white? with kids that like mud?!). If in a few months, I’m still feeling strongly, I’ll probably buy a pair.

If there are events or activities where you keep noticing you don’t have an outfit you love, write it down! Then when you have time, you can look for inspiration and shop to fill in that gap.

Take pictures of yourself in your outfits! You can make an album in your phone, and flip through it if you need help remembering what goes together!

Links to ‘Style Bloggers’ Capsule Ideas

Since I’m really not aiming to be an outfit style blogger, and there are really SO many great ones, here are a few links to give you more inspiration to get started!

Young House Love - Minimal Closet Wardrobe - If you’re REALLY into the minimal aspect, this is a great post.

Kendi Everyday - December 2021 Capsule Wardrobe - She has a monthly series and a LOT of photos about how to style with a set number of pieces (20, in this one). She also really keeps up with current styles - which is fun to see!

Extra Petite - Mix and Match - Although, I’m not extra petite myself, I do like how she creates outfits and get a lot of inspiration from her classic but stylish choices!

Cupcakes and Cashmere - Update on Her Capsule Wardrobe and WFH with a Q&A!

Emily Henderson - Her 2021 Summer Uniform - so my vibe! Love just wearing a few pieces all season!

Lemon Stripes - The True Cost - Julia has a great post about The True Cost movie (about the effects of fast fashion) and lists out great brands to support. Take a look and hopefully this inspires you, too!

I hope this helps! And if this resonates with you, and you would like my help in any part of the process - contact me!

XO - Jess


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